24) The non-alcoholic
25)Lee-lee, the latte girl
“Songs That I Do Not Remember Putting On My Itunes and Will Invariably Keep Skipping Over on Shuffle”
+The Worst Joke Ever-REM
+Arrival of the Queen of Sheba-Handel
+Pachelbel’s Cannon
+Black Tables- Other Lives
+Good Time Charlie-Kander & Ebb
+Montage-Satyajit Ray
+Nightgown of the Sullen Moon-TMBG
+Belgium-Bowling for Soup
+Caring is Creepy-The Shins
+Hashish- Hair
+Big, Blonde and Beautiful-Hairspray
+Elevator Music-Beck
+An Orgy of Critics- Say Anything
+Goodnight Goodnight- Maroon 5
+Ces-Soirees-La – Jersey Boys
+Fantine’s Death- Les Miserables
+Let Yourself Go-Kristen Chenoweth
+Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)- Mika
+Oscillate Wildly- The Smiths
+Back in the USSr- The Beatles
+Sway- Michael Buble (really, I don't remember putting any Michael Buble songs on) +Goodnight Saigon- Billy Joel
+We Tell the Story-Once on This Island
+Buzz Fledderjohn- Tom Waits
+Dinner is Served- POC Black Pearl
+La Vie Boheme B- Rent
+The Military- Seussical
+Carte Blanche- Shock Treatment
+La Vida Loca- Antonio Banderas*
+Younger Than Springtime- South Pacific
+The Mirror-Blue Night-Spring Awakening
+ Slow Cheetah- Red Hot Chili Peppers
+Parlor Songs- Sweeney Todd
+Everything That I Am- Phil Collins
+Oxford Comma- Vampire Weekend
*No, really, it was Antonio Banderas, it's from the Shrek 2 Soundtrack, apparently.
Things I Want to Do Now That I Have Moved Out of My House and Justifications for Not Already Doing Them
1) Poker Night- Fear of any reference to Lady Gaga
2)Stockpile of Warheads (the candy) and Root Beer- Does not trust roommate all that much
3) Build a Snowfort- It’s September
4) Go to a taping of Daily Show- Daily Show on vacation
5) Own a pet platypus or narwhal- strict no pets rule in dorms
6) Rocky Horror Night- Corset at the Cleaners
7) Build a pillow fort- Only own one pillow
8) Reproduce my Broadway collage on all walls of my dorm- Economic downturn= no shows
9)Lose 20 lbs – Guido day at the QC gym
10)Focus more on my studies/ get a 4.0- NCIS is on
11) Write a fantastic novel- My ADD was not cured by moving off Long Island
12) Get rid of Long Island accent- Never had Long Island accent
13) Answer my phone “City Morgue, you kill ‘em, we chill ‘em”-An actual morgue still has my cell phone number
14)Meditate more often- Not allowed to have candles
15) Fall madly in love- I’m straight and I go to Queens College
16) Meet a buttload of new people- Webkinz
17) Find internal peace- It’s taco night at the papuseria.