The violin sat on an ottoman while she drank some whisky from a cornucopia [of love?]. Then she decided to roll around the quad in roller-skates, wearing a burgundy tu-tu. Paper airplanes oscillate violently, sinking down into the abyss where they keep my soul. Snowflakes penetrate clouds of boobs and ice cream, licking lollypops as serpents danced across the purple lit sky calling the demented monkeys that ate the genetically engineered bananas. Someone said "you are my cheeseburger" and everybody joined in and sand along, to the "Sound of Music." Bob and Scotty wanted to be-bop. Then they died, ünd found themselves in a sticky jar of amber, so off went Jacob, who came out of nowhere, wondering if he should sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" or play musical chairs, but he decided to hop on the bus and get bubble tea from Main Street. When all of a sudden, Ents and Entwives found each other! Elves' pelvis gyrated, while Paris Hilton decided to enroll in QC and get an actual education,

but suddenly a man fell from the sky, wrapped in a rainbow, and she was so fascinated by all the different colors, she forgot what she was going to do. She asked "Is there a pot of gold at the end?" He just looked at her funny- "This bitch is crazy," he thought. All he wanted to do in that very moment was to get away from her, but her gold bikini shimmered and he found himself stuck in tar.
Tarred and feathered, he studied the Norwegians and walruses and moved to Iceland.
that was the best story we've written together! i like!