Idiom of the day

(10-01-13) much of a madness: very alike or similar; not much different. We could study abroad at either the program Westminster or the one at Middlesex, as they are much of a madness.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Inappropriate Things to be de-contextualized in Huenerfauth’s class.
• That sounds like what my mom just said
• They’re like little scientists
• Oralist v Manual approach
• It’s easy to do it without asking for something….
• If a piece of anatomy is not functioning as it should….
• Oh God, we’re out to get those deaf people.
• I’m just afraid that they’re gonna make my kids deaf
• If you have a parent who speaks Chinese and a parent who speaks Spanish…….
• Deaf people hate your mom.
• Hearing the world through a garbage disposal
• Only Julie hated squash.
• The dog growled at the door.
• On the day Armando went to the police station to ask for permission to leave Cuba, he wore the gayest outfit he could find.
• Sign language babbling sounds like the cutest thing in the world
• Manhattan goes here….or I could put it here.
• Space is trippy
• If it’s a larger, bulky thing that never moves, it looks like this…
• Is this the stupid, time-wasting, keep-the-gay-man-from-signing convention?
• Whatever happens in Finland…..
• We need spaceships to take people to these two Finlands
• Gather the deaf, bring out your deaf
• Do you slur your hands if you’re drunk???
• He hosted a deaf talk show in the 80s.
• Deaf people stabbed Alexander Graham Bell.
• You look like death on 2 legs” is something polite to say
• Deaf people are such gossips

We're bad people. It's okay.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Hey everyone!

It's a paradox Mondayish

Join in the celebration by submitting your paradoxes.

We will post your paradoxes tomorrow, on Paradox Monday (deuxième partie)

As you may have recalled from our last Monday's reminder:

Tomorrow, (Tuesday 9/29/09) is actually a Monday.

What a paradox!

Stay tuned for paradoxes to be posted over the course of today and tomorrow's today.

Lots of Love

-Freudian Slip Films

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hamlet Houseparty Wednesday Morning TURTLE

Last night, a few members of the slip saw a groundbreaking piece of performance art at an abandoned storefront in Brooklyn. We know you guys weren't there because the audience was pretty, umm, intimate in their seating situation. BUT, we also know you would've loved it had you been there, so, without further ado, here are some snippets from the masterful, powerful, individualist piece, "Hamlet House"

1) We're in Detroit with Hamlet's body.
2) Elvis is not Hamlet. Hamlet is not Elvis
3) WELCOME TO HAMLET HOUSE ( in 4 part dissonance)
4) Japanese Kamikazi Handstands
5) You You You
6)Hemmingway had bull's balls, Hamlet has bull's balls, Hamlet is Hemmingway
7) If you'd like to use the bathroom, wait for everyone to leave and shut both doors
8) Would you like a blue muffin?
9) Why did you have to go and die? We could've like hooked up and stuff
11) We could all drown if there was enough water
12) Ophelia is green now.
13) She likes pigs and I like her.
And Finaly.....
14) GUYS, things are getting royally F***ed up!

Hope you can catch it next time it comes around. You might wanna bring a fireproof jacket or something, just in case.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Non-paradox monday

This is just to inform you that today is not paradox Monday.

Next Monday, however, is paradox Monday, because

Tuesday is actually Monday, and Monday is Tuesday except for the fact that Tuesday isn't. Or at least that's what CUNY told us.

Also because it happens to be the last Monday of the month...

just so you know.


"Now, I got a time machine at home... it only goes forward at regular speed... It's essentially a cardboard box and on the outside I wrote 'Time Machine' in Sharpie."

Demetri Martin

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And Wednesday and wednesday and wednesday...

Things That Should Not Be Brought Through Airport Security
1) Small Children in bags
2) Shirkas
3) Fireworks
4) Milk
5) Eggs
6) Jell-o
7) Body parts (dismembered or otherwise)
8) Scones
9) Bong in a Blintz
10) Gene Kelly
11) Walt Disney's Head
12) Your pet Shark
13) Little red sneakers
14) Anything even slightly phallic
15) Anything even slightly euonic

Monday, September 14, 2009

At the Common Event

The violin sat on an ottoman while she drank some whisky from a cornucopia [of love?]. Then she decided to roll around the quad in roller-skates, wearing a burgundy tu-tu. Paper airplanes oscillate violently, sinking down into the abyss where they keep my soul. Snowflakes penetrate clouds of boobs and ice cream, licking lollypops as serpents danced across the purple lit sky calling the demented monkeys that ate the genetically engineered bananas. Someone said "you are my cheeseburger" and everybody joined in and sand along, to the "Sound of Music." Bob and Scotty wanted to be-bop. Then they died, ünd found themselves in a sticky jar of amber, so off went Jacob, who came out of nowhere, wondering if he should sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" or play musical chairs, but he decided to hop on the bus and get bubble tea from Main Street. When all of a sudden, Ents and Entwives found each other! Elves' pelvis gyrated, while Paris Hilton decided to enroll in QC and get an actual education, but suddenly a man fell from the sky, wrapped in a rainbow, and she was so fascinated by all the different colors, she forgot what she was going to do. She asked "Is there a pot of gold at the end?" He just looked at her funny- "This bitch is crazy," he thought. All he wanted to do in that very moment was to get away from her, but her gold bikini shimmered and he found himself stuck in tar.

Tarred and feathered, he studied the Norwegians and walruses and moved to Iceland.

Friday, September 11, 2009

where's the cream filling?

I came across of list of old slogans. Here are some that I think are amazing, especially when taken out of context:

1. I'd walk a mile for a Camel.
2.We drink all we can. The rest we sell.
3. Put a tiger in your tank.
4. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.
5. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
6. It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.
7. It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken.
1. Camel cigarettes (1921), reported in Henry Hobhouse, Seeds of Wealth: Five Plants That Made Men Rich‎ (2006), p. 226.
-I think this would make an amazing illustration/cartoon spoof!
2.Utica Club, 1965, Doyle Dane Bernbach; reported in Art Direction‎ (1967), p. 133.
-Great in AND out of context
3. Esso/Exxon, reported in Brian Ash, Tiger in Your Tank: The Anatomy of an Advertising Campaign (1969), p. 60.
4. Peter Paul Almond Joy & Peter Paul Mounds, 1953, Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample, reported in Linda K. Fuller, Frank Hoffmann, Beulah B Ramirez, Chocolate Fads, Folklore & Fantasies: 1,000+ Chunks of Chocolate Information (1994), p. 60.
-Too true, too true.
5. M&Ms (1954), reported in Joël Glenn Brenner, The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars, (1999), p. 172.
-She also may have said this.
6. Timex Corporation (1956), reported in William Harley Davidson, José R. De la Torre, Managing the Global Corporation: Case Studies in Strategy and Manage
-No comment
7. Perdue (1972), Scali, McCabe & Sloves; reported in Robert F. Hartley, Marketing Successes, Historical to Present Day: What We Can Learn (1985), p. 171.
-Laugh out loud

If you have any others, post them as comments and we'll lad them to the list!

Have a spectacular weekend.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I will post in a punctual manner, I will post in a punctual manner, I will post in a punctual manor

“Songs That I Do Not Remember Putting On My Itunes and Will Invariably Keep Skipping Over on Shuffle”


+The Worst Joke Ever-REM                                    

+Arrival of the Queen of Sheba-Handel

+Pachelbel’s Cannon                                                

+Black Tables- Other Lives

+Good Time Charlie-Kander & Ebb                        

+Montage-Satyajit Ray

+Nightgown of the Sullen Moon-TMBG            

+Belgium-Bowling for Soup

+Caring is Creepy-The Shins                        

+Hashish- Hair

+Big, Blonde and Beautiful-Hairspray            

+Elevator Music-Beck

+An Orgy of Critics- Say Anything                        

+Goodnight Goodnight- Maroon 5

+Ces-Soirees-La – Jersey Boys                        

+Fantine’s Death- Les Miserables

+Let Yourself Go-Kristen Chenoweth            

+Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)- Mika

 +Oscillate Wildly- The Smiths                        

+Back in the USSr- The Beatles

+Sway- Michael Buble (really, I don't remember putting any Michael Buble songs on)        +Goodnight Saigon- Billy Joel

+We Tell the Story-Once on This Island                                                

+Buzz Fledderjohn- Tom Waits

+Dinner is Served- POC Black Pearl                        

+La Vie Boheme B- Rent

+The Military- Seussical                                    

+Carte Blanche- Shock Treatment

+La Vida Loca- Antonio Banderas*                        

+Younger Than Springtime- South Pacific

+The Mirror-Blue Night-Spring Awakening

+ Slow Cheetah- Red Hot Chili Peppers

+Parlor Songs- Sweeney Todd                        

+Everything That I Am- Phil Collins

+Oxford Comma- Vampire Weekend            

*No, really, it was Antonio Banderas, it's from the Shrek 2 Soundtrack, apparently.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Once again, it is Wednesday. Put on your thinking chappeaus

Things I Want to Do Now That I Have Moved Out of My House and Justifications for Not Already Doing Them


1) Poker Night- Fear of any reference to Lady Gaga

2)Stockpile of Warheads (the candy) and Root Beer- Does not trust roommate all that much

3) Build a Snowfort- It’s September

4) Go to a taping of Daily Show- Daily Show on vacation

5) Own a pet platypus or narwhal- strict no pets rule in dorms

6) Rocky Horror Night- Corset at the Cleaners

7) Build a pillow fort- Only own one pillow

8) Reproduce my Broadway collage on all walls of my dorm- Economic downturn= no shows

9)Lose 20 lbs – Guido day at the QC gym

10)Focus more on my studies/ get a 4.0- NCIS is on

11) Write a fantastic novel- My ADD was not cured by moving off Long Island

12) Get rid of Long Island accent- Never had Long Island accent

13) Answer my phone “City Morgue, you kill ‘em, we chill ‘em”-An actual morgue still has my cell phone number

14)Meditate more often- Not allowed to have candles

15) Fall madly in love- I’m straight and I go to Queens College

16) Meet a buttload of new people- Webkinz

17) Find internal peace- It’s taco night at the papuseria.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Guess what everyone!? It's Guido day!!! Join in our celebration, the hour after the time that was formerly known as free hour.


It's just like back back in New Jersey.
