Idiom of the day

(10-01-13) much of a madness: very alike or similar; not much different. We could study abroad at either the program Westminster or the one at Middlesex, as they are much of a madness.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Game Time-Rules and Scoring procedures.

Dear Slippers,

It has come to Natalia and Lisa's attention that only a small grouping of the members of our fair group know about the "Nose Game", as it has so lovingly been referred to.

Brief History-In 7th grade, a young man discovered he could make Lisa laugh hard enough to pass soda through her nose. He then tried to do the same with other edibles with similar success. Word spread. From then on, there developed an unofficiated point system of what goes through Lisa Maher's nasal passage.

The Game- Quintessentially, get a friend who is also a member of the game to pass something other than normal bodily contents through their nose. There are a few basic rules.

1. if the person who expels something from his/her nose dies, no point will be awarded.

2. if a person says/thinks something that as a result causes him/her to spew something out of his/her own nose, this shall be considered an autopoint. By default, everyone shall be awarded a point.

3. if, in the rare case that someone causes multiple persons to pass something through their respective noses simultaneously, this shall be considered an überpoint. he or she shall be rewarded 1x the number of people involved in the synchronized nasal spewing. points shall be allotted to anyone being a jerk if the nasal expulsion occurs when the jerk is being a jerk.

Additional points may be allotted from originality of substance or timing (i.e. during a funeral, a mass, birth, etc.)

As of October 5th, an official scoreboard will be created. If you believe you've gained a point, contact an officer of FSP with your name, the victim's name, the substance, and any additional information.

Scores will be posted the last Guido day of every month.

We will post a list of previously passed substances for this Wednesday's list.

Be well,
Freudian Slip Film Productions

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