Idiom of the day

(10-01-13) much of a madness: very alike or similar; not much different. We could study abroad at either the program Westminster or the one at Middlesex, as they are much of a madness.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Things That Are Awesome.

This week, slippers, I am in a bit of a Pollyanna mood. Do not dismay, it probably won't last. But for now, I am disgustingly, stomach-churningly optimistic.

So, things that are awesome.
1) Getting an A+ on a test you thought you failed.
2) Fresh cups of coffee
3) Pay cheques
4) Really good shows/ movies
5) Falling asleep talking to your best friend
6) Getting complimented/ constructively criticized about your writing.
7) Realizing you've essentially already written the paper your professor has just assigned in another class
8) Really weird dreams that make you giggle when you see that person the next day
9) Waking up with good hair
10) Bad puns
11) Frozen lemonade
12) Funny essays
13) Meaningful touch/ eye contact.
14) The phrase "underwear anachronism"
15) Something dawning on you
16) This fecking weather.


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